

Crazy quilting

As we say in Hungarian: nagy fába vágtam a fejszémet. I am trying to cut down a really big tree. I joined the monthly crazy quilting challenge at . This is going to be interesting and difficult, because I haven't done much crazy qulting, but what I have done, I really enjoyed. So I thought, as a preamble, I would post photos of my previous pieces. The first two are rather experiments, leading me to crazy qulting.





Well, I certainly hope I will make more and much better pieces than these. I have a great idea right now - but I am in a rush to finish my boyfriend's sweater I am knitting for Christmas - so it will have to wait.

So, from January, you can expect some posts with CQ. Wish me luck - and lots of time :).

1 comment:

  1. I think these pieces are lovely. Crazy Quilting is on my to-do list too, but I haven't got round to it yet - it scares me a little!
