I have created a blackwork band sampler. Altogether it is 65 x 170 stitches, so if you want to stitch it, this is how big your fabric needs to be, plus a few centimetres around it. This is how it will look like:
Terveztem egy blackwork csíkokból álló mintát, összesen 65 öltés széles, és 170 hosszú. Persze rá kell még hagyni néhány centimétert körben.Így fog kinézni:
I am going to publish it in 3 parts. As soon as someone finishes the first part (perhaps that someone will be me, but I am not sure how much time I will have for stitching), I will post the next one.
Három részletben fogom közzétenni. Amint valaki elkészül az elsö résszel (lehet, hogy ez a valaki én leszek, de még nem tudom, mennyi idöm lesz hímezni), felteszem a második részt is.
So, come with me on this journey, let´s do this together. I am really curious to see what colours you choose.
Gyertek velem erre a kis kalandra, hímezzünk együtt! Alig várom, hogy lássam, milyen színeket választotok.
The full squares are supposed to be cross stitches with two strands, but perhaps you can substitute them with beads.
A teli négyzetek keresztszemes öltések, két szállal, de talán gyöngyöket is varrhatunk helyettük.
You can find part 2 here and part 3 here.
If you want to see how Denise used some elements of this sampler to create a wedding gift, you can find a photo of it here.
this is so pretty!!! I'm going to join in! Thanks for another grat design!
ReplyDeleteVery pretty. Count me in please.
ReplyDeleteThank for the pattern.
I have used your SAl challenge as a Wedding gift! I hope you don't mind a few changes!!! If you like I can send a photof it!
ReplyDeleteNo, of course I don't mind. Yes please, send a photo. Did they like it? :)
ReplyDeleteAgi, I finished it! (The Wedding Sampler)!! How can I post a picture of it?? So you can see it? Thank you again, Denise
ReplyDeleteHi, maybe you can send it to me to palkoagi @ gmail.com (remove the spaces) and I can publish it right here. I really would like to see it :D
ReplyDeleteAwesome designing again!!!!!!!!!!! I can't but admire.