I have just finished stitching my latest bookmark. I found that it was a bit too short for my liking, so I modified the pattern a bit. I chose DMC 729 and 3345 to stitch it on 16 count ivory Aida.
Here is the modified pattern:
Blackwork sampler - SAL challenge
I have created a blackwork band sampler. Altogether it is 65 x 170 stitches, so if you want to stitch it, this is how big your fabric needs to be, plus a few centimetres around it. This is how it will look like:
Terveztem egy blackwork csíkokból álló mintát, összesen 65 öltés széles, és 170 hosszú. Persze rá kell még hagyni néhány centimétert körben.Így fog kinézni:
I am going to publish it in 3 parts. As soon as someone finishes the first part (perhaps that someone will be me, but I am not sure how much time I will have for stitching), I will post the next one.
Három részletben fogom közzétenni. Amint valaki elkészül az elsö résszel (lehet, hogy ez a valaki én leszek, de még nem tudom, mennyi idöm lesz hímezni), felteszem a második részt is.
So, come with me on this journey, let´s do this together. I am really curious to see what colours you choose.
Gyertek velem erre a kis kalandra, hímezzünk együtt! Alig várom, hogy lássam, milyen színeket választotok.
The full squares are supposed to be cross stitches with two strands, but perhaps you can substitute them with beads.
A teli négyzetek keresztszemes öltések, két szállal, de talán gyöngyöket is varrhatunk helyettük.
You can find part 2 here and part 3 here.
If you want to see how Denise used some elements of this sampler to create a wedding gift, you can find a photo of it here.
Terveztem egy blackwork csíkokból álló mintát, összesen 65 öltés széles, és 170 hosszú. Persze rá kell még hagyni néhány centimétert körben.Így fog kinézni:
I am going to publish it in 3 parts. As soon as someone finishes the first part (perhaps that someone will be me, but I am not sure how much time I will have for stitching), I will post the next one.
Három részletben fogom közzétenni. Amint valaki elkészül az elsö résszel (lehet, hogy ez a valaki én leszek, de még nem tudom, mennyi idöm lesz hímezni), felteszem a második részt is.
So, come with me on this journey, let´s do this together. I am really curious to see what colours you choose.
Gyertek velem erre a kis kalandra, hímezzünk együtt! Alig várom, hogy lássam, milyen színeket választotok.
The full squares are supposed to be cross stitches with two strands, but perhaps you can substitute them with beads.
A teli négyzetek keresztszemes öltések, két szállal, de talán gyöngyöket is varrhatunk helyettük.
You can find part 2 here and part 3 here.
If you want to see how Denise used some elements of this sampler to create a wedding gift, you can find a photo of it here.
Mistakes in the previous pattern corrected and some new ones
Dear Friends,
I have to apologise, the patterns in the previous post had some mistakes. If you downloaded them, please, do it again. The corrected versions are up now.
Kedves barátaim!
Elnézést kérek, az elözö mintába hiba csúszott. Ha szeretnétek kihímezni, töltsétek le újra, már a javított verzió van feltöltve.
I also made another version in Swedish. Not because I believe that so many Swedish people read my blog but because I am in Sweden and I wanted to pay a tribute to the beautiful language :)
Csináltam egy svéd verziót is, mivel Svédországban vagyok, szerettem volna kifejezni nagyrabecsülésemet e szép nyelv iránt. :)
And for those who like smaller patterns, or want coordinated patterns, I made a bookmark and a biscornu version of the motifs in the sampler. Enjoy :)
Ès aki a kisebb mintákt szereti, vagy összeillö szettet szeretne hímezni, íme egy könyvjelzö és egy biscornu ugyanazzal a motívummal.
Note: I usually make my bookmarks two sided, and sew them together the same way as a biscornu. Or sometimes I just sew together the long ends with whip stitch, then sew a running stitch across the short ends, and fray them.
Általában kétoldalas könyvjelzöket készítek, és ugyanúgy varrom össze, mint a biscornut. Vagy csak a hosszanti oldalakat, a rövideket csak összeöltöm, és kirojtozom a végét. (Mi a "running stitch" magyarul, tudja valaki?)
I have to apologise, the patterns in the previous post had some mistakes. If you downloaded them, please, do it again. The corrected versions are up now.
Kedves barátaim!
Elnézést kérek, az elözö mintába hiba csúszott. Ha szeretnétek kihímezni, töltsétek le újra, már a javított verzió van feltöltve.
I also made another version in Swedish. Not because I believe that so many Swedish people read my blog but because I am in Sweden and I wanted to pay a tribute to the beautiful language :)
Csináltam egy svéd verziót is, mivel Svédországban vagyok, szerettem volna kifejezni nagyrabecsülésemet e szép nyelv iránt. :)
And for those who like smaller patterns, or want coordinated patterns, I made a bookmark and a biscornu version of the motifs in the sampler. Enjoy :)
Ès aki a kisebb mintákt szereti, vagy összeillö szettet szeretne hímezni, íme egy könyvjelzö és egy biscornu ugyanazzal a motívummal.
Note: I usually make my bookmarks two sided, and sew them together the same way as a biscornu. Or sometimes I just sew together the long ends with whip stitch, then sew a running stitch across the short ends, and fray them.
Általában kétoldalas könyvjelzöket készítek, és ugyanúgy varrom össze, mint a biscornut. Vagy csak a hosszanti oldalakat, a rövideket csak összeöltöm, és kirojtozom a végét. (Mi a "running stitch" magyarul, tudja valaki?)
New subversive sampler, based on a Hungarian saying
Mindenki ismeri a mondást: anyám, én nem ilyen lovat akartam. Ìme, most ki is hímezhetjük. :) Sok sikert hozzá. A szokásos piros-fekete színpárosomat használtam hozzá, kíváncsi vagyk, ti milyen színekkel tudjátok elképzelni.
There is a saying in Hungarian: you want something really badly, and when you get it, it is not the real thing, not good enough, or you realise that you actually wanted something else - we say: "Mummy, I wanted a different horse". It doesn´t seem to make much sense, that´s why it is funny - at the same time, it is a bit bitter, too. Now you can stitch it, if you want to :) I made it in my usual red and black colour scheme, but I am curious to see what colours you would use for it.
And a picture of the crocheted hairband I made for the sister of the newborn baby boy. I wanted her to have something in the package, too. :)
Have a good time stitching, knitting, crafting and send me photos if you stitch my designs, please :)
There is a saying in Hungarian: you want something really badly, and when you get it, it is not the real thing, not good enough, or you realise that you actually wanted something else - we say: "Mummy, I wanted a different horse". It doesn´t seem to make much sense, that´s why it is funny - at the same time, it is a bit bitter, too. Now you can stitch it, if you want to :) I made it in my usual red and black colour scheme, but I am curious to see what colours you would use for it.
And a picture of the crocheted hairband I made for the sister of the newborn baby boy. I wanted her to have something in the package, too. :)
Have a good time stitching, knitting, crafting and send me photos if you stitch my designs, please :)
And the winner is...
Aurelia Eglantine!!! Congratulations.
And your gift is the following pack:
There are some interesting threads apart from the variegated ones and the perle, one is an unknown thread that resembles a cord, really shiny, the other is a linen thread, both are vintage finds. I hope you will enjoy them and have fun with them.
Thank you all for the comment, I will try and fulfil some of the wishes. I cannot promise anything though :) I am working on a subversive sampler right now, it is almost ready, will post it soon, just want to make the Hungarian version as well.
And finally I would like to share a few photos with you.
I made this little cardigan for my friend, Hajnalka´s newborn son.
And I did an experiment. I have an old tablecloth that was made by my Mum. This is how she finished the edges:
I tried to copy it, and this is what I have come up with. I assume she had a smaller hook - but not sure I would be able to do it tighter. But I like how it looks, anyway. What do you think? I am planning to finish my boyfriend´s gift (that I made a while ago) with this edge.
And finally, yesterday we went to an event in the neighbouring village, the Feast of 100 cookies. This is what it looked like:
I also saw some old cookie making iron tools:
And of course, had to taste them all :D :D
Today, we went to the sea to have a picknick. It was so beautiful. Unfortunately, it is too cold to swim.
And tomorrow I am back to work. I have just started to work at an International English School in Sweden, teaching textile crafts. On Wednesday the kids will show up. I am so excited. :D :D Wish me luck. :)
And your gift is the following pack:
There are some interesting threads apart from the variegated ones and the perle, one is an unknown thread that resembles a cord, really shiny, the other is a linen thread, both are vintage finds. I hope you will enjoy them and have fun with them.
Thank you all for the comment, I will try and fulfil some of the wishes. I cannot promise anything though :) I am working on a subversive sampler right now, it is almost ready, will post it soon, just want to make the Hungarian version as well.
And finally I would like to share a few photos with you.
I made this little cardigan for my friend, Hajnalka´s newborn son.
And I did an experiment. I have an old tablecloth that was made by my Mum. This is how she finished the edges:
I tried to copy it, and this is what I have come up with. I assume she had a smaller hook - but not sure I would be able to do it tighter. But I like how it looks, anyway. What do you think? I am planning to finish my boyfriend´s gift (that I made a while ago) with this edge.
And finally, yesterday we went to an event in the neighbouring village, the Feast of 100 cookies. This is what it looked like:
I also saw some old cookie making iron tools:
And of course, had to taste them all :D :D
Today, we went to the sea to have a picknick. It was so beautiful. Unfortunately, it is too cold to swim.
And tomorrow I am back to work. I have just started to work at an International English School in Sweden, teaching textile crafts. On Wednesday the kids will show up. I am so excited. :D :D Wish me luck. :)
Cross stitch alphabet sampler and a giveaway
Hello, everyone. I have moved. I had to do it in a very short time, had a week to pack and arrange lots of administrative things, then travelled 3 days. And I have been working at my new workplace for a week now and enjoy it a lot. But didn´t have much time or energy for my hobby.
But today, finally, I managed to sit down with my program and finish the blue alphabet I started to design before moving.
Here it is: first a full picture, and then broken down into four pieces for easier printing. I also added the 10x10 lines to these, and tried to shade 3 rows and columns for overlap - I hope I didn´t make a mistake there, it was my first time. Not as easy as it seems. :) Hope you enjoy it.
And as promised, I am doing a GIVEAWAY to celebrate that my blog has attracted 20000 visitors. The price will be a pack of threads and fabric, with some unusual ones included. Cannot post a picture right now because some of my things still haven´t been unpacked but will do so soon.
The winner will be selected from those who post a comment and answer this question:
What type of patterns would you like to see in the future?
Looking forward to your answers. I will draw the winner next weekend.
See you soon.
But today, finally, I managed to sit down with my program and finish the blue alphabet I started to design before moving.
Here it is: first a full picture, and then broken down into four pieces for easier printing. I also added the 10x10 lines to these, and tried to shade 3 rows and columns for overlap - I hope I didn´t make a mistake there, it was my first time. Not as easy as it seems. :) Hope you enjoy it.
And as promised, I am doing a GIVEAWAY to celebrate that my blog has attracted 20000 visitors. The price will be a pack of threads and fabric, with some unusual ones included. Cannot post a picture right now because some of my things still haven´t been unpacked but will do so soon.
The winner will be selected from those who post a comment and answer this question:
What type of patterns would you like to see in the future?
Looking forward to your answers. I will draw the winner next weekend.
See you soon.