

Free cross stitch patterns

(Just a note before you read: I have no idea why some of my text appears as a link, please ignore it. Still learning this blogging thing. If you can tell me how to remove the hiperlink, please, do so. Thanks. :) One more thing. I made a mistake when adding the tags, not putting commas between the words and now cannot change it. How do you add further tags? )

Recently I have made a few simple patterns. I thought I might just as well share them with you all. Please, enjoy. Also, if you choose to stitch any of them, please, send me a photo.

I made a few band patterns for a band sampler we made with my CSF friends. :)

And here is the band sampler itself. I didn't use all the patterns I made, and there are lots that were designed by others. I used Madeira silk for it, and tea-dyed Aida.

Some more patterns. The tulip bookmark in two colourways:

Virágom, virágom (a line from a famous Hungarian song):

A Welcome sampler.

A tree, inspired by old samplers.

My favourite so far: the spiral biscornu. The pattern:

And stitched up:

Another spiral pattern - could be a biscornu or cards, or a bookmark with different colours:

The purple ornament:

Three logical puzzle-patterns. I have no idea what came into me when I thought of making these but I love them. I am planning to stitch them for small notebook covers or bookmarks.

Two "quilt" patterns:

A heart:

And some subversive samplers in two languages:

Three more geometric designs. I think I might need to think of names for them :)
