This little pattern that I called "Pansies" is dedicated to my dear friend, Sheila. I know you like these colours, Sheila, I hope you like the pattern, too. Hugs.
I won a Stylish Blogger Award! :)
And what is more, I received it from two bloggers at the same time :D
Now, to the rules of the award:
1. Thank the person that awarded you:
A huge thank you to Lorraine
and Kell XXX
2. List 7 things about myself:
1. I used to love reading, but since I discovered audiobooks I love listening to books - because I can stitch at the same time :)
2. I grew up in a Hungarian village with Ruthenian/Rusyn heritage.
3. In my life I have learnt 8 languages: Russian, English, Finnish, and a little of Italian, German, Georgian, Polish, Estonian; and now I am learning Swedish.
4. My all time favourite actor was Paul Newman.
5. In my youth once I worked as an interpreter in the Capitol in Washington DC - just one day though. :)
6. I have travelled quite a lot, but there are still two cities I haven't seen and really would like to visit: Paris and Prague.
7. If I could start my life again, I woud learn to become a textile artist.
3. Pass the award to 15 other stylish bloggers
I hope it's OK if I don't pass it on to those friends who got it from Lorraine or Kell at the same time as me - although I love their blogs a lot. I will try and widen the circle.
So here are my choices:
1. Sari from Finland:
2. Lennu from Finland
3. Ana Luisa from Mexico
4. Manka from Hungary
5. Annekata from the USA
6. Heidi
7. Knit Yoga from the UK
8. Valérie from Belgium
9. Aliola from Russia
10. Barbara
11. Pam from the USA
12. Flossy from Wales
13. Sheila from the UK
14. Aurelle
15. Ancsa from Hungary
I made this cardigan for my daughter.
And this is an old denim jacket I made a size or two bigger with some knitted pieces:
I am working on a bag right now, which is going to be felted. I am really curious to see how it will turn out. :)
And this is an old denim jacket I made a size or two bigger with some knitted pieces:
I am working on a bag right now, which is going to be felted. I am really curious to see how it will turn out. :)
Spring in my heart
I stitched this for an exchange. The pattern is from Aliolka, I love her things.
A biscornu
I stitched up a biscornu from one of the previous geometric patterns. Of course, it meant I had to design another side for it. :)
And the new chart:
And the new chart:
Easter eggs
I know lots of people out there like stitching Easter patterns. So here are some small cross stitch patterns, and a bit bigger one in blackwork. I hope someone will enjoy them. :)
a new quick stitch
I stitched one the designes I made, because I really needed something colourful to lift my spirits.
Here it is. I decided to leave out the backstitch and French knots in the fourth square but I might stitch it again with doing some backstitch in the other squares, too.
Here it is. I decided to leave out the backstitch and French knots in the fourth square but I might stitch it again with doing some backstitch in the other squares, too.
a great blog and a giveaway
Look at this blog, she has done some lovely things. She is also doing a birthday giveaway:
Free cross stitch patterns
(Just a note before you read: I have no idea why some of my text appears as a link, please ignore it. Still learning this blogging thing. If you can tell me how to remove the hiperlink, please, do so. Thanks. :) One more thing. I made a mistake when adding the tags, not putting commas between the words and now cannot change it. How do you add further tags? )
Recently I have made a few simple patterns. I thought I might just as well share them with you all. Please, enjoy. Also, if you choose to stitch any of them, please, send me a photo.
I made a few band patterns for a band sampler we made with my CSF friends. :)
And here is the band sampler itself. I didn't use all the patterns I made, and there are lots that were designed by others. I used Madeira silk for it, and tea-dyed Aida.
Some more patterns. The tulip bookmark in two colourways:
Virágom, virágom (a line from a famous Hungarian song):
A Welcome sampler.
A tree, inspired by old samplers.
My favourite so far: the spiral biscornu. The pattern:
And stitched up:
Another spiral pattern - could be a biscornu or cards, or a bookmark with different colours:
The purple ornament:
Three logical puzzle-patterns. I have no idea what came into me when I thought of making these but I love them. I am planning to stitch them for small notebook covers or bookmarks.
Two "quilt" patterns:
A heart:
And some subversive samplers in two languages:
Three more geometric designs. I think I might need to think of names for them :)
Recently I have made a few simple patterns. I thought I might just as well share them with you all. Please, enjoy. Also, if you choose to stitch any of them, please, send me a photo.
I made a few band patterns for a band sampler we made with my CSF friends. :)
And here is the band sampler itself. I didn't use all the patterns I made, and there are lots that were designed by others. I used Madeira silk for it, and tea-dyed Aida.
Some more patterns. The tulip bookmark in two colourways:
Virágom, virágom (a line from a famous Hungarian song):
A Welcome sampler.
A tree, inspired by old samplers.
My favourite so far: the spiral biscornu. The pattern:
And stitched up:
Another spiral pattern - could be a biscornu or cards, or a bookmark with different colours:
The purple ornament:
Three logical puzzle-patterns. I have no idea what came into me when I thought of making these but I love them. I am planning to stitch them for small notebook covers or bookmarks.
Two "quilt" patterns:
A heart:
And some subversive samplers in two languages:
Three more geometric designs. I think I might need to think of names for them :)