

Swedish biscornu - free pattern

Hej, jag har gjort en svensk biscornu korsstygnsmönster för er.

Well, I hope that above sentence is more or less correct. ;) I am very busy lazy learning Swedish.

Anyway, my newest cross stitch pattern for you is based on Swedish motifs. To be exact, motifs from Skåne, in the south of Sweden.

One characteristics of these patterns is that all the surface is covered with stitches. They have created huge pieces with this method. True, they often used low-count Aida and thick (sometimes wool) embroidery thread. Also, lot of embroidery was made with long-armed cross stitch (although I am not so sure if this is typical of Skåne or some other parts of the country) which gives a better coverage.

I love the colour combinations of these patterns, I tried to follow them as closely as I could.

First, here is a biscornu pattern. I hope you will like it. I have some more plans, so watch this place!

I have a lot of new photos to share with you: I have made some lovely felt-embroidery, I have my own space in a local craft shop, I have sewn a curtain for my balcony door and I have started a weaving experiment. I would like to show you all of these. Unfortunately I have no idea where my camera cable is... Cleaning in progress, so there is hope. As soon as I find it, I will be back. :)

Hope you all are having a lovely summer - not like us here in Sweden. :( Summer has been cancelled this year.


I am back - photos from Hungary

Hi, everyone!

I am back from my trip to Hungary. It was lovely, the weather was really hot, 37-39 degrees Celsius! Then I came back to Sweden and it is barely 20 - I wish there could be some compromise between the two. :(

I didn´t do much needlework lately, I crocheted a shrug and finished knitting two scarves for my daughter and my friend we stayed with in Hungary. Of course, I forgot to take photos. :( Will ask them to send me a photo if they can.

Right now I am having internet problems but I will try to come online once in a while at my boyfriend´s place. Please forgive me if I can´t answer comments right away.

Here are some photos from the trip. Thanks Stephen for letting me use them - he took all the pictures.

For some reasons he took lots of photos of me like this - do I need to take it as a hint??? ;)

With Nelli and Rita, two friends from my former school.

Yarn-bombing in Budapest :)

On Margaret Bridge in Budapest - on the left you can see the tip of Margaret Island.

With my best friend, Panni - we have been friends since primary school. We stayed at their place and went for a weekend trip together.

My beautiful daughter. Eszter and her boyfriend. Oh, how I miss her already!

I met some of my former class that graduated from high school in 2008. I am so proud of them all!

With Panni on the highest mountain (hill? 1014 m) of Hungary. Perhaps this is not the best angle to take a photo of me. Hm...

Hungarian bread. I think this might be an explanation for our weight problems.

Two "mer-ladies" on Tisza-lake.

Lovely Transsilvanian embroidery at a market in Pásztó.

One of the ladies selling things helped me try on an old fashioned skirt of the folk costume. :)

And finally, the only photo of the person who made all the other pictures: Stephen.
We had a lovely time together.